Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My V-day rant

This is my 3rd annual Anti-V Day’s speech, every year. I say the same ol’ thing about how much I hate this stupid little holiday. Whom, I think my friend Ari says it best, it was thought up by the card companions in order for them to make more money. It soo sappy. Why honor the one you love on just that special day, why not every day.

Yeah, don’t get me wrong, I love the candy of those sweet tart messages, the boxes of chocolate. And yeah, I do dig my V-day shirt this year with snoopy on it. But still, v-day sucks.

Yes, for the past 3 years, I have been involved in a relationship, but for two of those it was around this time of the year. Did it stop me from send a card or a box to my lover. No. Did I expect anything from them, not really, did I dream about sure why not doesn’t every girl? Now I am not telling to get me anything, I am just saying. I think V-day has become to commercialized.

Why do I hate this striped little holiday? I find it too commercialized but also because I aside from the grade school valentines and the cards I got from my friends (whom were girls) and my parents. I can honestly say that I never have gotten a card from a lover, wait I need to clarify that statement. I never got a signed card from a guy that I was dating. But, oh, well. Not that it matters. No, I am not saying get me anything, its just something that has never happened to me. And come on, I am a girl I do dream about this silly little things. And if it where to happen it would be very special to me and I would prob keep for ever in a very safe place. Maybe it could also be that I never been out with my lover on V-day because we live so far apart.

So, on V-day my friends and I are having an anti-v-day party. Some may find it very silly but, me, I don’t think so. I find very exciting and I can’t wait. We are gonna have some fondo! Yummy!!! So, allow me and my friends to be bitter about this soo sappy holiday.

Will I still wish my lover a happy Valentines day? Yes, of course. Will I treat him any differently, no. Because I love him and that is all that really matters.

But whatever is my reason it is a personal one. I will just be glad when this stupied holiday is over, then we can all move on to the next commercialized holidays: St. Patty Day, Easter(the whole Easter Bunny thing)Mother’s day(never had anyone really honor, me, oh wait… maybe because I am not a mother…. Maybe oneday)…. Need I go on with our monthly holidays?

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