Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Electric Companies.

Finding the right one is like trying to find the right shoe or a bra that fits just right. There seems to be one that will always work, one that you can just live with or perhaps one that fits just right.
For me really don’t like to go shoe shopping or bra shopping. I know you are wondering why I am comparing the shoes and bras to electricity companies. Well, the answer is my friends is you could always go with the most well know, like the most popular shoes and bras. (Think Nike and Victoria Secret)

I have look at what seems to be a dozen different companies all offering the same service just at different rates, fees, rules, exceptions, and the list could go on and on.

Now I could go with the one that my parents had here in Texas, the one that it seem that everyone is a member of it seems, but there rate is out the roof! Compared to all the little man companies, the ones that aren’t so know.

I never thought that choosing one would be one of research and something that needs to be really thought about. Ah!

I better choose one fast we move in 11 days!

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