Monday, July 6, 2009

The Weevil Speaks Out!

Okay so apparently their is this video that is out and it is about the dumbest mascot. And the The Boll Weevil according to them is just that. It's a cute commerical but as the weevil I must say that we aren't that. Why? Because the Boll Weevil has a history, they are evil and firce(spelling?).

To learn more about the boll weevil check out:

To see the boll weevil video click:

I as the Weevil am proud to be a WEEVIL, not many schools have an odd mascot like we do. I am proud to be different! The weevil is cool!

After all, "There Ain't Nothing More Evil Than A Dang* Boll Weevil!"

1 comment:

Catie said...

I really enjoyed your article. Thanks for posting it on here. Also, I am really liking the background you chose. If you want, I can tell you how to get rid of the link in the top-right corner.