Monday, September 8, 2008

Area 31, Mr.Potato Head and Playdough

Yesterday, I went with Pam and Jazz to Area 31... okay for those that don't know or understand what that is... its nothing illgeal its an area in wal-mart that has the jewearly... we went to look at engagement rings.. and then we bout 8 doller cheap rings. Mine is purple in the middle and to clear crystals each side... my ring is a size to big ... but its still pretty.

Why did I do it... so I can havea ring and fit in with the rest of the world who all has engagement rings or wedding bands. And I feel my moment will never come... that I will die with out know what it will feel like to have someone put a ring on my finger.

I hate having to see all that...I guess it sucks more so for me and bother me more because of what happened with Derek and how much that hurts.. (and more so how angery now I am getting cause he is dead)

My day started stuck after I left the Language Lab.. I got so fustrated with trying to pronouce things.. It seems nearly impossiable to master this new language and I am getting really discoruaged with that.

I have a fatal error in my story in the news paper at school. I am gonna get yelled at tommorw for that error.. I did'nt connect a link.. because I don't understand how.. but I am asking for help with that. So I will have to see how that plays out.

My homework has now reached full capcaity and I am very overwheelemed and I am going pretty crazy right now...

Jazz and I went back to Walmart to day to go pitty shopping... we were both having a hard day and need to get out.. and we went to walmart and went toy shoping... I was going to get a sock monkey stuff animal... but then I saw a Mr.Potato head. I've always wanted a Potato head. So I got one. He is sitting on my dresser looking sorta like Pisaco.And playdough... I made a playdough blob... with a sad face... because it's how I feel.

I feel be littled because LP has her Drivers Licenses and I don't. Mom's says I shouldnt be envous of it. But that's besided the point. It's not fair.. I am older.. and I have to rely on others to take me places or public transportation.

And to top it of right now those with AT&T of all I have talked are having trouble making calls out and sending text messages.. and that to me is rather annyoying...

I am just upset and ticked and I ca'tn even focus on all of my homework.....

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