Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Map is Done!

Do you remember when the Mint began issuing state quarters, back in 1999? Well I do. I remember being so excited when a new one was issued, I would take it home and put it in my map. There were times that I thought my collection would never be finished.

I typically am not one to collect coins but when the state quarters came out I thought it was a good collection to start and one that I could show my kids one day and maybe even use when I become a teacher.( I am a big history buff).

Last week, I finally finished the map. Yes I know that that the Mint finished issueing them in 2008. It just took me a little bit longer to get them. But it was worth it. I didn't really go hunting for them, just when I came across quarters I looked for the ones that I needed.

Picture captions: (Above) Brittany Dean proudly shows how her State Quarters Collection map. The collection took her over 10 years to complete.

(Below) Starfish poses by the State quartes map for a better view of the collections.

Picture Time with the Deans

As I was reviewing my blog I noticed that I didn't have many new pictures of what the Deans have been up too lately.

The Summer has flown by. We are already in the middle of July. At the end of May, John and I went to the Rangers Baseball game as well in June with some people from work. It was fun. The first game we went to they lost their game and the second one they won.

In June also, John, his mom, the Hofferts and my sister and myself.. painted and clean the boys rooms and his mom's room as a surpsie while the boys were at Philmont. It was a lot of work but very worth it.

With John and I nothing much else is happening, just enjoy summer and working and saving for our own place.

July also makes 4 months since John and I have been married. My how time does fly.

John takes a moment to "smile" for the camera at the Rangers game in June.

Starfish enjoys a picture moment at the Rangers Game in May.