Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2010, A New Decade

It truly hard to believe that it is 2010! My how time flies, I can still remeber when it was 2000 and I was just starting High School. Now, at this start of the new decade, I have graduate from college, I am getting married and starting a new chapter in my life.

As I look back over the last 10 years, a lot has changed. I have moved several times, I have gone to places I never would have imanged going, meet some pretty cool people, gained an even greater love for the gospel and have done things I never thought that I would.

Looking at this year, I have set some goals they are

1) Work on the Viture vaule for young women's even though I am no longer in young women's I feel that is something that I should do. They add the vaule back in 2009.
2) Get a car, or well at least help John get a car.
3)Learn something new this year
4)Work on paying off loans
5) Be healthier

That is all for now in 2010... more later

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