Monday, October 27, 2008

Life Update: October

(Please read the editors note located at the bottom of the web site)

Well, apperently, its been a while since I last posted about events. Life's gotten pretty busy.

Schools update: Last time, everyone heard I was the Around Campus Editor for my school news paper.

The AC editor writes up the events happening around campus, scholarship updates and compture lab, tutoring and mentors operations(sp) hours.

Well, apperently, one of my last stories about the Math and Physics club on campus had some fatal errors. 1) One of my stens appeared as the Math and Psychics club. 2) I list a sponsor of the club who is not one and had aowrng title with the other and 3) Ilist the worng club colors

So, I got demoted to a staff writer... because he can't have editors making mistakes. I can prove number 1 wrong. In my orgianal story I did not have Pshychics mention at all! Some how it got re typed, like much of my article that day.

As of today, I have not talk to my Journalism professor about a mistake that was not mine. As for the club colors, according to my notes, Black was not listed in my notes. I

accept responsability for the names mistakes, but as for the other to, I do not. Espically the spelling of Pshychis. I may be the worlds worst speller, but, I can spell physics.

Heck, I spelled physic(s) right in my handwritten notes. Yeah, I was a little upset about it and to some point even right now I still am, but, who cares.

One less stresser in my life right? For those who wish to view the story that has been re-edited once errors were found after publication, click the flowing link: (Math and Physics club Plans)

I learn a lot in the journalism. And if I ever had to create my own publication I could.

Weeviling a lot of fun! The football team is 7-2! This weekend we play North Alambma!

I really do love what I do, its a lot of fun! I could be having the worst day ever and then I go be "Weezzie and a little kid comes up to me and gives me a hug and makes me smile and it changes my day.

Spanish is going okay, I am actaully learning a lot. And having a lot of fun.. in fact I should be at spanish tutoring right now, but I am working on my History paper, about Mormons in Arkasnas, for one of my history classes. It's really interesting like, the church in Arkansas did start really growing until the mid 1930's. WOWS! My realtionship with Arthur going okay.

We have had some rough patches here lately about differences in different things. Much of which I perfer not to disclose here on the blog. I am in the process of telling a select few people more details. So, it may take a while ... with school and all. For those asking, we are still planning on getting married.

Oh, and I found out that I will be in Arkansas again in Fall 2009. For classes, because they will not be offering all the classes that I need to graduate in the Spring. So I will come back for two required classes and I will be taking some radnom classes.

The bid is up, for who wants me for christmas and next summer. Every one it seems wants to see me... so place you bid...

Look for pictures with the next week or two of weeviling... hope all is well and Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Growing up with ER

I was just a pre-teen when ER first hit the air waves. With doctors like, Dr.Mark Greene, Dr.John Carter,Dr. Kovac, and even nurses like Halye, Abby, and even the front desk clerk. There were the love tales, the drama tales and the ones that jerk out your heart.

Looking back on the past eppy's I see growth, I see learning and I also see that I have gotten really old.

Tonights eppy Abby Lockhary left... In her monglue at the start of the show, she said something of interest: "Those who long for death bu it does not come."I remember for a while in my life that I wanted death to come to me because I wanted nothing more than to be with my best friend who died.

Because I miss him. (See future blog about my life's new philisophy" And then as she was going to work on a patient, someone in the waiting room made the comment, "Today everything changes" and Abby was quick to say, "Oh, really I thought that was next week."

It's funny to think that change is happening every day and that sometimes we think the biggest changes happen next week or tommorw. But, in reality should we not be ready for change everyday? (That made sense right?)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Derek!

Happy Birthday to a best friend, lover, brother and

Happy Birthday Derek! We Love You!

Loving you always!